Friday, September 12, 2008

Stepping out of line, Zaid

Wah! Wah! Wah! Who is this Zaid Ibrahim? Still green and making such comments!

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 12 (Bernama) -- Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Zaid Ibrahim Friday came out guns blazing against International Trade and Industry Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, who Thursday asked the transfer of power fixed for 2010 be brought forward.

The de facto law minister said if Muhyiddin was not happy with the leadership of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, he should either resign or be sacked by Abdullah.

First of all Zaid, the appointment of Ministers is the prerogative of the Prime Minister including your position. You are of the same status. You cannot be asking the Prime Minister to do something which you do not have "local standi". We know lah you are obliged to defend the Boss. But look left and look right lah. You are a suspended UMNO member once, and I think because of your behaviour and the way you have been giving donations and contributions in Kota Bharu, Kelantan Darul Naim, you might be suspended again (money politics). YB Tan Sri Mahyudin Yassin is an UMNO Vice President. You think you are a Minister, you so big already kah? Sedar lah diri sikit.

The Prime Minister will know what to do lah. If not he should resign lah. What YB Tan Sri Mahyudin is doing is just voicing out the sentiments of the UMNO grassroots, the ordinary malays who are not getting any benefits and priviledges from joining UMNO, not like you tak semena mena jadi Menteri. Tak pa lah. UMNO dont mind you jadi Menteri kalau you betul layak dan tahu perasaan UMNO. Jangan lah sombong buta dan pekak tuli mentang mentang dah jadi Menteri.

I am priviledged to these comments because if to compare your services and contributions to UMNO as compared to me, you are no where. You got all the benefits from UEM, UMNO feed you and make you rich and that does not mean that you have the right to tell the Prime Minister or YB Tan Sri Mahyudin what to do. (Because we are fasting and this is the month of Ramadhan, I will reserve my other comments on your intervention in the Tan Sri Mahyudin matter.