It sure is disturbing. Ahmad Ismail is a friend (rakan seperjuangan) during our younger days. We were very active in our own ways when I was in Kota Melaka and he was and still is and now no more in Bukit Bendera.
I was puzzled by his outburst and strong headedness (kepala batu) on a very sensitive issue like the Malays and the Chinese and the history of Independent Malaya. Why oh why Saudara at this time? We all have to be responsible for our actions and words. Why want to irritate the Chinese community with such remarks? Why want to ask a member of the Barisan component party to leave the pact? Why so bold and arrogant? Why so ignorant for the fact that the Penang Malays are standing on quicksand? Very very questionable? If its for your personal benefit, then good luck Saudara ku. As a friend, I do not personally think that what you have done is for the good of the Malays.
The real Malays who are Tuans of Malaysia looks after everybody and anybody including the illegal immigrants that comes from all over. That's what our forefathers had decided and agreed upon to make us worthy of rightful owners of the land.
For getting UMNO into trouble, a three year ban is a small price to pay. "Kerana mulut badan binasa". These few words are for an individual. But the damage done to UMNO is not going to be easily mended. Sad to say this, you are still my friend like my many other friends who had betrayed UMNO, but you are no longer my "rakan seperjuangan".