Saturday, September 20, 2008

Pressure Pressure Pressure

In the year 2008, today is only 2009 (20th September) not yet 2010 (the 2oth of Ocotober).

If the transition is to happen in 2010, then its in another month's time.

Saturday September 20, 2008

Pak Lah under pressure to exit


PETALING JAYA: The Prime Minister is under pressure to fast-forward the transition plan that would have seen him handing over power to his deputy in 2010.

Umno supreme council members had reportedly told Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in their meeting on Thursday that the political situation was not improving and that he should consider an earlier exit.

At the same time, Abdullah’s supporters are rallying around him to ask him to stick to the transition plan and defend his president’s post, if need be.